Inside of GRAM®

GRAM® has a unique combination of ingredients. It is not filled with numerous artificial ingredients or unpronounceable compounds. Instead, GRAM® consists of ingredients that most have heard of. Let us introduce the three most important ingredients:


The main ingredient in GRAM® is of course water that is the basis for all life. It is generally recommended for an adult to daily consume about 2 liters of water. In addition to maintaining the level of fluids, fluid consumption can support other bodily functions as well.

Consuming GRAM® does not only give you your required fluids, but also provide you with necessary nutrients that speed your metabolism and give you your daily dose of vitamins. However, we have not forgotten the main ingredient that is water. GRAM® does not have any regular filtered water, but high quality water from the well of Holstre.


Green tea has been known for the man for thousands of years. The love of green tea originates from China and during the early days, green tea was the drink of the wealthy. After the British colonisation of Asia in the 18th century the Chinese monopoly of tea was demolished, and green tea was popularised globally. With the increasing popularity of healthy lifestyle choices, green tea has become especially popular in Europe and America. More and more scientific research is being published on the positive effects of green tea. Various research has found that green tea can protect against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease as well as different types of cancer. In addition, it is anti-inflammatory and enhances the effect of some medications. For that exact reasons green tea extract has been added to GRAM®. Not to forget the delicious flavour of green tea that dominates the flavours of all GRAM®.


Every GRAM® wellness and sports drink contains Vitamins C, B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 and B12.